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admin Can anybody hear me?
Joined: 08 Jun 2023 Posts: 206
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2023 1:29 pm Post subject: |
Just by any chance do you know Sri D K Manavalan from Institutional Area off Pankha Road. He is Action for Food Production - AFPRO director? _________________ एकम् सत् विप्राः ...
Absolute Truth is One,
though the Sages call Him many names
Rig Veda I, CLXIV, 46 |
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Nksagar Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 11 Jun 2023 Posts: 495 Location: India
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2023 1:36 pm Post subject: |
admin wrote: | Sagarji,
Just by any chance do you know Sri D K Manavalan from Institutional Area off Pankha Road. He is Action for Food Production - AFPRO director? |
Dear admn.
yea I know the office and may be this gentleman couldbe familiar with my company. For your information I live about 1km on the same road.
with regards
www.Nksagar.com |
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admin Can anybody hear me?
Joined: 08 Jun 2023 Posts: 206
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2023 10:50 am Post subject: |
Nksagar wrote: | admin wrote: | Sagarji,
Just by any chance do you know Sri D K Manavalan from Institutional Area off Pankha Road. He is Action for Food Production - AFPRO director? |
Dear admn.
yea I know the office and may be this gentleman couldbe familiar with my company. For your information I live about 1km on the same road.
with regards
www.Nksagar.com |
Amazing. I may email you a pizza for him:-) _________________ एकम् सत् विप्राः ...
Absolute Truth is One,
though the Sages call Him many names
Rig Veda I, CLXIV, 46 |
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now I can see clearly now.

Joined: 31 Aug 2023 Posts: 1147 Location: between two rivers
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2023 2:55 pm Post subject: |
admin wrote: | Nksagar wrote: | admin wrote: | Sagarji,
Just by any chance do you know Sri D K Manavalan from Institutional Area off Pankha Road. He is Action for Food Production - AFPRO director? |
Dear admn.
yea I know the office and may be this gentleman couldbe familiar with my company. For your information I live about 1km on the same road.
with regards
www.Nksagar.com |
Amazing. I may email you a pizza for him:-) |
It's a small world, but I'd hate to have to paint it (Steven Wright) |
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Nksagar Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 11 Jun 2023 Posts: 495 Location: India
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2023 5:25 am Post subject: why women are not religious head. |
Back to topic,it is strong belief in the eastern society that women have a very strong role to play in making civilised,intelligent,fearless,spirtual society.There are numerous tales in this regards in Indian history and classical religious ancedotes.
My effort is that all women who have to play a role of daughter,sister,wife,mother,teacher for most of society memebsr must lead
there life in exempalary fashion so that new world order is generated.
with regards
ursnks sincerely
www.businessasia.net |
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Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2023 2:32 pm Post subject: Re: why women are not religious head. |
Nksagar wrote: | Back to topic,it is strong belief in the eastern society that women have a very strong role to play in making civilised,intelligent,fearless,spirtual society.There are numerous tales in this regards in Indian history and classical religious ancedotes.
My effort is that all women who have to play a role of daughter,sister,wife,mother,teacher for most of society memebsr must lead
there life in exempalary fashion so that new world order is generated.
with regards
ursnks sincerely
www.businessasia.net |
Right, Nk... I have read your previous rubbish. You are the weakest link ..goodbye... you are a sexist piggy. If you ( or do you? ) believe that we are all equal souls and can come back as male or female... only two choices, not too hard... then why would you judge females like you do?
You are judgemental, cannot spell, you suck, I pity Delhi if you boss that place around. Not happy, mate. We have enough trolls in here without you rubbishing on.  |
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Nksagar Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 11 Jun 2023 Posts: 495 Location: India
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2023 7:09 am Post subject: Re: why women are not religious head. |
Igottapee wrote: | Nksagar wrote: | Back to topic,it is strong belief in the eastern society that women have a very strong role to play in making civilised,intelligent,fearless,spirtual society.There are numerous tales in this regards in Indian history and classical religious ancedotes.
My effort is that all women who have to play a role of daughter,sister,wife,mother,teacher for most of society memebsr must lead
there life in exempalary fashion so that new world order is generated.
with regards
ursnks sincerely
www.businessasia.net |
Right, Nk... I have read your previous rubbish. You are the weakest link ..goodbye... you are a sexist piggy. If you ( or do you? ) believe that we are all equal souls and can come back as male or female... only two choices, not too hard... then why would you judge females like you do?
You are judgemental, cannot spell, you suck, I pity Delhi if you boss that place around. Not happy, mate. We have enough trolls in here without you rubbishing on.  |
Well i dont know why you get inquisitive on one point,express your rage,irritation,we may not agree on many points well that is way to enter further dialogue not walk off tumling down the street and calling me bluff.
We are from diverse culture and our root races and sub races are different and hence the mental levels may also differ on cultural differences but the fact is we are all human beings and try understand the
feeling and love not for other sex but for all being in total consciousness or dorment consciousness.
you are great contributor to this site.
Please express with grace and love all races.
with regards,
www.talkaboutreligion.com hindu
www.spirtual-forum.com hindu
news-reader.org/alt-religion.hindu |
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Nksagar Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 11 Jun 2023 Posts: 495 Location: India
Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2024 11:04 am Post subject: |
Back to topic: More news of women entering the mosque,chapel and synagogue,temple ,Gurudwara and make their presence felt.
www.Nksagar.com |
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elena Why isn't anybody listening?
Joined: 20 Jun 2023 Posts: 552
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:45 am Post subject: what value are women? |
Dear N,
Through reading your posts, I have learned or think I did, that you are a wealthy man. I am impressed that you have time to converse about your spiritual matters on godulike. I take that to mean that your wealth is
merely a by-product of your faith in God. I sense that you have a very
deep love for God and that it is that which motivates your daily life.
I think that you are in the world, but not of the world.
I will dare to state my opinion about men and women. All men have a
feminine side and all women have a masculine side. For each of us to be in touch with our "Other" side is to be a whole and complete person.
I realize this may seem extremely crude to you, but after many years of
observing, experiencing, and knowing about men and women, I have
concluded this bottom line thought. In our culture and perhaps the world,
men and women have different values when it comes to what is
important to them.
First of all, sex is the most important thing in life to men. Money and
power are second. For a woman, security and finances are first.
If that be true, any two people can join together in a marriage where each one is dedicated to the needs of the other. If sex is what a man
really wants, a woman should be chosen by him that will be understanding
of his physical needs in that area and should have knowledge so she can
be the one he loves coming home to. Sex should never be a bargaining
chip in a relationship or a marriage. The two should find complete
satisfaction in each other for this need.
If a man takes care of his woman and she is faithful and grateful for how he provides for her, she will have no trouble being there for his needs
in the bedroom. So then he in turn treats her like a queen because he
is grateful for her loving ways and care.
I see it as a gift exchange between the two sexes where each other
accepts and understands the needs of each other and do everything in
their power to see to it that in the relationship there is mutual respect
and satisfaction based on communication which is the life blood of love,
without communication love dies.
For two human beings, man and woman, to unite for each other's
spiritual growth is, to me, the only reason for two people to be
married. Every other reasonb is self-centered and not what God
intended for marriage relationships.
I know that polygamy is an accepted practice, but I think it is still
based on men want more sex and need more partners and women
are content to be cared for by him. So that is why I accept the words
of Jesus that in the beginning two became one. Divorce was only
permitted because of unfaithfulness but it was not intended in the
first place. Because humans have such a hard time getting along
with each other, the home front is where the greatest battles are
fought. I think the only marriages recognized by God are the ones
where He is invited to do the joining of the two to become one.
Marriage can be a joke. People are married who just live together.
People who love together need not be legally married. Many
marriages are just a piece of paper and a farce. Many couples
stay together for selfish reasons and hold each other captive.
When two people choose to be One and know their choicees,
they can grow together to become One.
I sincerely believe the only time a true marriage is fulfilled is when
two people come to the realization that money, sex, power, and all
other reasons people use to get together are not the real reason
for marriage. Meantime, the whole world hooks up for whatever
reason and call it marriage. Men also see women as property in
many cultures and societies and women feel like they are subjects
and willing to depend on a man to secure their lives as women.
There are many extremes. But who can explain what makes two people
stay together when they could have many partners? It is the word of
commitment performed when two people pledge to be faithful to each
other. Adultery involves sexual infidelity, but for the most part, it is
the violation of the oath and promise to not be intimate with anyone
else. So if a person is married, they should not have lustful eyes toward
others. That is because these acts injure and harm those who are
committed in a marriage. Better a marriage be dissolved than to pretend
to another that they are the only one they are intimate with. It is the
lying that is evil. When we lie to each other, sin lies at the door.
For me, I find great pleasure in being with the one I chose to be with
and he takes great pleasure in me. we work together to make
life here on earth as pleasant as possible for ourselves and our children.
And even that can be a trial with all the needs of a family. So we
communicate and have family conferences whenever we feel tension
in the air. We all sit down at the dining room table and voice our
concerns and do not have fear of what the others will think and we
try to keep our relationships all clear and working on a daily basis.
We do not go to bed with anygry or hurt feelings and we talk things
out till we can do a group hug when it is all over.
And believe me, the man who chose me inherited seven children of
mine and we have managed to manufacture love enough for all of us
by putting God first in our lives. Miracles are still happening and they
are visible only to those who can see them!
Take care,
Helen _________________ I am who I am |
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Nksagar Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 11 Jun 2023 Posts: 495 Location: India
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 4:08 pm Post subject: |
Dear helen,
The pragmatic way you have described from your practical experience about the way the
Marriage must take place,
Relation two gender must have,
Family care two partner must have,
Is all the essence of the hindu marraige essence which is based on the family prosperity being developed slowly and cautiously,to build brick and brick a strong spiritual base society which has divine purpose of life.
When this essence is known to the western or other cultural people they condemn the entire hindu family infrastruture as corrupt casteism bye product pattern of society.
Basic structure of our society if family.
How to manage the family is holistic approach to form society
which works in self structure for the furtherance of greater ambit community,society,township,city with fervour of festivity,for all class and life as jouney enjoying each moment.
Just study the wy the hindus live they are more not only religious but spiritual ones in holistic spirit ,their goal of life is get this sol merged with divine soul.
with regards,
www.Nksagar.com |
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elena Why isn't anybody listening?
Joined: 20 Jun 2023 Posts: 552
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 8:55 am Post subject: Roman Catholic church is AntiChrist religious system. |
As I read your every wore, the fact that you honor ane praise Hinduism
has nothing to do with the great respect I have for you as a man.
You could not be a part of godulike unless you loved God and others
because most of the people that write here have another agenda or
idea to express other than the idea of spiritual growth and understanding.
Although I live here in the US, I must say to you that while I am grateful
that God is talked about much and even written on our money and our
Pres. claims to be a believer in God, the love of money is making life
here more difficult and more difficult because mercy and compassion
have been replaced with greed and avarice. People who love and adore
the power and authority that money can afford, more than people, will
use others. Peoiple who have made a servant of money care for others.
Our spiriual, mental, physical, and emotional lives have not been
nourished through the ability of the family system to be the center of
faith and fellowship with God. God comes to us to draw us into a
relationship with Him on an individual basis so that He can be our Lord
and God who is able abundantly to help us stand against all odds.
I don't think America was ever a spiritual nation because they were
born out of the religious oppression of the Anglican Church of England
which is an offshoot of Roman Catholicism. Roman Catholics are not
Christians, to me. They are anti-Christian and are lead by the most
deceived man alive on this earth as far as I am concerned who calls
himself the "Pope" and lives in the Vatican.
When the Vatican becomes an object of interest to the enemies of the
Christian faith, I think the corruption and crap that is done in the Name
of God that shall be revealed will make Michael Jackson, the American
Pedophile pop rock singer look like a saint. When I see the Pope on
television parading around in his bulletproof cage, I try to imagine
Jesus needing one of those protectors of life. If Jesus was on a mission
to get himself killed to prove that He was God's Son who would overcome
death for all of us, can you imagine that his mission could be completed?
If He tried to save His life, He would certainly have lost contact with the
Father who sent Him to tell us to love each other.
When I look at the Pope's pointed hat and the way He struts himself
around as a representative of God, I get nauseated. This imposter
who approves of his priests molesting children has to be a creature
straight out of hell and will no doubt appear as ANTICHRIST in the
end of this evil age. Do you realize that the Vatican is a nation
built on total secrecy? It has protected its corrupt secrets down through
the ages and probably are responsible for turning Jesus Christ into a
divine tragedy instead of respecting him as a family man who had a
family that loved and adored him. I think His woman was Mary
Magdalene because the Holy Bible, as named by the King James guys
in Englend who translated the Scriptures they wanted people to believe
were divine cut out a picture for people to believe in that stripped
Jesus Christ of all of his humanity including being a sexless individual
who thought sex with a woman was "Evil". Just the way Catholics
teach and preach about sex is so unnatural and fanatical, it isn't any
wonder women are amongst the lowliest creatures in their religious
hierarchy. It is probably all the Vatican housekeepers that get to enjoy
the richest of the clergy at the Vatican or maybe they are all just gay
behind those closed walls.
You cannot deny sexual desires of the human flesh without turning into
some kind of sick wierdo that does stuff to little kids to get off. The
Catholic relitgion is one of the largest havens of homosexuality on this
earth. Their very secrecy tells you there is a big stinking pile of sexual
crap going on inside the bedrooms and dungeons of the Vatican.
And now on Easter the Pope is going to poke his queer looking face out
the window to the deceived millions who hold him in honor and pretend
to be sending God's blessing on his so-called followers. I guess it is
easier to be allegient and faithful to a fraud and deceiver than to seek
the truth that unless we love othrs the way we love ourselves that we
are outside the grace of God building a life on sand that will eventually
be destroyed.
God laid down a lifestyle for the Jews that glorified the family unit.
Every need was supplied through followintg the laws of the Torah.
They were a strong nation and have survived every attack because
they have a strong family system through which they are able to be
strengthened. They are soon to be revealed as the strongest nation
on earth because when Iran attacks them, the huge bombardment of
ammunition that will be released toward all the children of Ishmael
who hate her, the end result will be the beginning of the rule of
peace on earth headed up by no other than the one the Jews killed
because if they accepted His message, they would have had to change
their whole system of life. The Jews have not done much good for
this world except to provide a nation in which Jesus, The Messiah,
could be born and murder Him so everyone in the world could know
and believe that the last enemy to be destroyed shall be death.
Actually, the hatred and murder the Jews felt for Christ was a lesson in
history. Here was a man sent to tell us one commandment. The Jews
wanted the Ten and the other 603 they invented to live by. Their rage
at the thought of a man born of a woman would call Himself a Son of
God made them so damn mad, they could not bear His presence
in spite of all the wonderful things He did to show that all He wanted to
do was honor His father by bringing the message of what we need to
obey so we can live forever. I think that loving each other and being
granted eternal life for doing so is a pretty good deal for me and the
thought of just perishing to a nothing is not what I desire for me.
So I can be strong and vigilant as I declare Christ's message of love
to anyone who will talk to me and lend me their ears. Yes, there is
much religion in America and all the religions claim to be the only one that is right. And yet I have not found even one minister, preacher,
priest or Christian that knows that Treating others the way we want to
be treated is God's only requirement for our behavior. Of course,
we must have the love of God within by His Spirit before we will even
care or want to do God's will. So the Christian religion has actually
done more damage to the real story of Jesus Christ than any other
religion on the face of this earth and they are mostly all hypocrites
but I was one whose eyes came open and I can love and adore God
and His Son no matter what lies and delusions the enemies of God
have propagated so they could make money on Jesus' Name.
The Chriustian Church, Catholic, has turned the body and life of Jesus
into merchandise which they can buy and sell and do not even know
that harming chiuldren in God's eyes is a crime or sin worthy of death.
In the midst of all the hatred, disrespect, violence, self-destruc6ion,
and delusion and deceptions used to control ignorant people., there
are still a few of us who have grasped the pearl of great price and
refuse to let go, no matter what religion says to do, and I am happy
to say that at least you and I are true to our inner desires to be
loving examples of what the love and grace of a Power greater than
ourselves is capable of doing because we surrendered our will to
love, in other words - God.
Know what, Nksagar, I think you are indeed a wonderful person inspite
of the fact that you are a Hindu!
Sort of kidding there. Take no offense. Your religion only has taught
you the principles necessary to live a spiritual life. So it is the truth
that has taught you and me how to live, not religion. No matter what
the religion is, if love is the foundation rock on which it buildis,
no matter what happens to the religion, the truth shall remain forever.
Love and friendship,
Helen _________________ I am who I am |
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Nksagar Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 11 Jun 2023 Posts: 495 Location: India
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 8:54 pm Post subject: |
Dear elena,
There is no religion higher than the TRUTH. many of us have different ways to explore this truth which has been taught to us by various releigion.yet truth is same. Truth is known by scriptures as Bible,Koran,Guru grant shaib,vedas, yet truth remains more to be explored as its beauty is unending.
www.nksagar.com |
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elena Why isn't anybody listening?
Joined: 20 Jun 2023 Posts: 552
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 9:48 pm Post subject: more to be revealed |
I know I do not know everything, but I am willing to learn. I feel at an
advantage to have fallen into a religion that advocates love as its
highest form of service to God, to ourselves and others.
At this point in time, I know that you probably cannot learn anything
new from me. I have learned from these forums that I have been
on a one-track faith line for too long in that I did not let anyone else
on my train who did not agree with me.
Through conversations and sometimes harsh discussions I have come to
believe that we who love God, whoever we are, need to be more
understanding of our differences instead of rejecting each other on
doctrinal beliefs. I do not embrace the Trinity idea propagated by the
Christian Catholic Church and have been treated as a person who is
less than by those who dogmatically adopt this theory about God.
'It is downright confusing to try to believe their interpretations of the
Bible. I think they worship the Book and therefore believe they have
the authority to reject anyone who does not agree with them. I am
beyond all that now. I follow Jesus' words: Leave them alone. They
are blind leaders of the blind and they both shall fall into the ditch.
God's children need only find each other and become friends. Christians
have to save you first before they can extend the hand of fellowship.
The Jesus in the Bible acted nothing like the false image of Christ that
they worship.
I learned this all because I have been there and done that. I don't have
to do it any more.
Thanks for your inspiring thoughts and words. You make my soul feel
Helen _________________ I am who I am |
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Nksagar Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 11 Jun 2023 Posts: 495 Location: India
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 3:19 am Post subject: |
When we love God in its true essence,
we love everything ,good or bad,divine or devil,firend and foe,suffering & comfort,life or death, we understand his actions,
we have no enviousness,jealousy, anger,competetion,fear.attachment,ego also gets belittle,we are filled with knowledge,compassion,service,action without fruit,
love encompass all and everything,true smile for each and evrything,
we get into in our original form ,may I call it cosmic form which is eternal and everlasting.Our mystic powers are vividly developed ,timelessness,thoughtlessness stops and we reach a place from where everything becomes known.THis is expressed as -:
The art of knowing the unknown,by which everything else is knwon to us.
www.Nksagar.com |
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elena Why isn't anybody listening?
Joined: 20 Jun 2023 Posts: 552
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 3:09 pm Post subject: love is |
Dear Nksagar,
I believe every word. I live each day to fulfill the words you have just
written. I had to grow into the knowledge, wisdom and power of love.
It didn't happen over night. It took years of tears, pain and suffering.
Now I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to
keep me and preserve me until the end of my life here. I learned what
I know about love from the Bible and the life and death of Jesus Christ.
The Old Testament gave me a foreshadowing of what life with God is
meant to be. Jesus made it humanly real to understand by being willing
to die as a consequence for coming to earth to tell His people the truth.
The way I deal with the negative, evil, devil, darkness or what have
you that is opposite of God, I thank Him for all of it and everything.
When something seemingly goes bad, I thank God and search for an
answer. When people are nasty to me or mistreat me, it becomes a
lesson to teach me how I am not supposed to treat others. So even
evil has a good purpose because it teaches us what not to do.
You cannot have a magnet unless there are two opposing pulls.
You cannot have God and good until you understand what evil is and
does. I surely do agree with you in that aspect that absolutely everything
has a purpose and we can find that purpose through diligent seeking
to understand God's will for us on earth.
Have a nice day! Religion does not define me. Love has created me and
love keeps me alive. I am love.
Helen Mary _________________ I am who I am |
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