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ahdumb Is anybody out there?
Joined: 30 Aug 2023 Posts: 3 Location: Singapore
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2023 3:39 pm Post subject: Some issues I have with God |
Well... basically if you are one of the Abrahamic faiths, part of your belief is that everyone else around you not of your religion is pretty much going to hell, for lack of belief in faith of a supreme being.
I know it's oversimplified, but basically yeah. Don't believe in God, well, you'll spend the afterlife serving it in an ugly place called hell.
I hate the notion of that. Is god so unforgivable? What about those not exposed to religion? Those born into one, forced to follow? What about those in the distant past who didn't even know about such religions? Are all to be condemned? If all are doomed I'd rather burn in hell with the rest than to save myself - I consider it damn selfish and egoistic that only worshippers get saved. Value of human life is uncomparable and distinction by an intangible set of beliefs is simply too much of an injustice to me.
Then there's prayer. I don't see any reason to pray to god. Why worship god? Faith will transform you? Or is it you overcoming yourself? Conscience? Spirituality?
Do we need god, even if he exists? If I knew god existed on a personal level I would respect him but not worship him. I dunno. It just feels damn weird to me. Honour him, but not submit to him.
I guess that's my rant - by the way I'm asian. In Asia. And I guess this would be my introductory post. |
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Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2023 4:37 pm Post subject: |
As far as I am concerned, the word "worship" should not exist.
Any 'GOD' that wants to be worshipped must have serious problems, therefore not to be trusted, lol.
I reckon all religions suck... try them all out and then put them in the trash, where they belong. ( just like diets )
Welcome, I am new here too. |
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aged hippy I think they get the picture

Joined: 09 Jan 2024 Posts: 1378 Location: non-local and drifting gently ....
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2023 12:54 pm Post subject: Worship. |
It seems to me that any God who creates a whole species (us) to worship Him is as insecure as the people who invented Him.
It could be that the translation is lacking, the current concept of 'worship' is one foisted upon us by people (priests, etc.) who had a vested interest in keeping the population in it's place - on its' knees in more ways than one.
It's possible that the original concept was merely to be observant and appreciative of the God.
My thoughts, for what they're worth.
Hello, ahdumb, and Welcome, by the way. _________________ "Consciousness is a singular for which there is no plural." — Erwin Schrödinger
"It looks to every side and sees itself from itself." — The Sophia of Jesus Christ |
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Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2023 1:44 pm Post subject: |
Hippy, you said what I meant much better than the way I came across.
I just realised that your "non-local" thingy reminds me of Deepak Chopra, maya, etc... |
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Rat_bytes But is reflection proof of life?

Joined: 22 May 2023 Posts: 3108 Location: Australia
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2023 2:04 pm Post subject: |
Well, it's all bullshit, of course! Obviously if you give things like that a lot of thought there are so many inconsistancies and holes that you'd have to be completely braindead to keep believing in them. _________________ Las Reglas De la Rata.
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ahdumb Is anybody out there?
Joined: 30 Aug 2023 Posts: 3 Location: Singapore
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2023 3:16 pm Post subject: |
Thx for all the replies.
Well I agree with hippy - that's what I believe religion's original purpose was: to give an awareness of God.
And then humanity just had to meddle and screw the whole thing up.
Ratbyte's comment on inconsistency is of course very true. The infallibality of any religion is rarely questioned but truth is religion is still pretty much under the responsibility of humans. And humans make mistakes.
But still I want to believe because the message has always come across so many times for over so many millenia. God or Gods exist - better believe it.
The existence of higher being or beings has been engrained over & over so many times there has to be some grain of truth to it. Or even a great deception. I just wish I knew what it was. Or maybe I just wish we'd all cast aside our differences. I see religion as such a big hindrance to life sometimes. The last stumbling block between people all over. Even race is becoming less of an issue on a personal level. |
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Rat_bytes But is reflection proof of life?

Joined: 22 May 2023 Posts: 3108 Location: Australia
Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2023 2:30 am Post subject: |
religion is just another method of mass mind control. God is just a big security camera in the sky. _________________ Las Reglas De la Rata.
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dox4242 Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 22 Apr 2023 Posts: 420 Location: Last forest of Endor
Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2023 1:22 am Post subject: |
Religion is one's personal experience in seeking for, and eventually finding, God. That people believe there can be cookie cutter religions that can be forced upon everybody else is foolish. The search for God is ethereal enough that there will always be disagreements. What we should do is recognize that there is, in fact, 6.4 billion religions in the world today. There should be freedom of religion, without allowing religions to violate the laws designed to promote peace and happiness. In this vein, I would like to introduce the concept of true religion versus false religion. True religion is the search for God, or the self, or harmony with reality, or whatever. False religion is practiced by hypocrites with ulterior motives (like child raping priests and suicide-murders). A true religionist does not pursue war, promote violence or practice hate.
Welcome to the forum, ahdumb. It's always good to hear from diverse points of view.
Personal, off-topic query: is there a significance to the username 'ahdumb'? I hesitate to apply the quality of 'dumb'ness to people, without being overwhelmed by the evidence therefor. Though I doubt your name is supposed to be interpreted as 'ah dumb'...rather maybe it's a transliteration of 'adam'? A Google search was less than informative (though the first result was to Godulike). _________________ Who? |
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ahdumb Is anybody out there?
Joined: 30 Aug 2023 Posts: 3 Location: Singapore
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2023 2:10 pm Post subject: |
Well done dox. The distinction between finding god and worshipping him (however you do it) is crucial to humanity's view of religion.
Only a few languages in the world pronounce my name correctly: Arabic and strangely, Japanese. It also makes me a little unique anyway in case I meet other adams. Yes I'm a Muslim Adam.
FYI Koran also has Adam and Eve but it doesn't apply the concept of Original Sin that emanated from them plucking the apple.
An exception to my people, I couldn't bother with religion till 21 when I decided to see what I've been missing and unexpectedly found myself drawn to religion - hence the name based on a life of ignorance.
I'm at odds with my religion. The core I do like, but it has strangely driven it's followers to a degraded quality of life after roughly the 13th Century if I'm not mistaken, and gone exponentially worse since WW2 . The exact opposite happened to Christianity in the same time frame.
BTW 9/11 and the stupid word "jihad" floating all around perverted the entire outlook of Islam. So I don't have murderous thoughts on killing the infidels who refuse to submit to Allah with a belt of C4 strapped to my chest... oh my I gave my plans away...
Basically what I'm saying is the person typing here is a sane, rational young man who would probably be given very hard looks if he went to the Middle East debating on such issues about God and subsequently be stoned and flogged for having wickedly blasphemous thoughts.
Seriously speaking, religion is something I feel I could live without but the implications of that are rather tumultously staggering in my life.
If God exists I think humanity should doesn't have to look to him for advice or aspiration. They just have to live the life given to them and for goodness sake use their God-given & Satan-induced intelligence (so much for eating the Fruit of Wisdom) a little better. Hell it isn't even a matter of intelligence I think with many it boils down to a matter of choice.
And if the above was true then just what is the significance of God and religion? |
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rubindj Is anybody out there?
Joined: 16 Oct 2023 Posts: 1
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2023 9:12 am Post subject: |
Just wanted to point out that NOT all the Abrahamic faiths believe that hell even exists -- only Christianity and Islam do. Judaism doesn't believe in hell or satan, nor do they particularly believe in conversion.
We pretty much feel that faith is your way of getting closer to god. We have our ways, and other people have theirs. Our belief holds that any good person, gentile or Jew, will be with G-d in the afterlife. Our way is right for us, and their way is right for them -- imposing ours on them would be in terribly bad consience, just as we don't like people imposing theirs on us.
If Christianity and Islam have corrupted that since then, then that's their religion, but its not all Abrahamic faiths. |
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webczar Is anybody out there?
Joined: 20 Oct 2023 Posts: 6 Location: Surrey
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2023 2:41 pm Post subject: |
Igottapee wrote: | As far as I am concerned, the word "worship" should not exist.
Any 'GOD' that wants to be worshipped must have serious problems, therefore not to be trusted, lol.
I suppose that whether we should worship God or not depends on what you believe our relationship with him to be and what kind of God you think he is.
To take Christianity as an example throughout
If you believe that the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are the same God then he's changed his mind about us plenty of times and has got pretty jealous in the past when we've decided not to worship him and only relatively recently calmed down a bit and given us a new option for reconciliation with the whole Jesus business.
This God just wants us to like him, even love him, not to bend us to his will in absolute unquestioning servitude like some Evil dictator. It's not worship he needs from us (he made those angel thingies for that), it's fellowship. Unfortunately he hasn't always gone about it in the best way
But at least he's been consistent in what he's been trying to do, repair the relationship between him and us. With hindsight he probably looks back at the genocide at Canan and the whole unfortunate Soddom & Gomorrah episode (not to mention that bit of a flood) and wishes he hadn't done that.
I guess it just goes to show that he's only human afterall... I wonder if it's possible to piss him off so much that he'll change his mind again... |
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webczar Is anybody out there?
Joined: 20 Oct 2023 Posts: 6 Location: Surrey
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2023 2:56 pm Post subject: |
rubindj wrote: |
Our belief holds that any good person, gentile or Jew, will be with G-d in the afterlife. |
I must really have missed something, this doesn't sound anything like the Jewish religion I've read about. I thought the idea that even Gentiles could go to heaven, came as something of a shock when Jesus and his followers suggested it, or have their been reforms since?
How does one be a "good person" though? Is there any scope for forgiveness if we f***k up? If we can get to heaven without eating Kosher then why can't Jews?
If the only requirement for being a "good person" is that you follow your relegion and if all religions lead to God then surely I can just make up my own religion... Or does God have a special list of acceptable ones? If so, how can we get access to it? I don't want to end up following a fake one. |
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aged hippy I think they get the picture

Joined: 09 Jan 2024 Posts: 1378 Location: non-local and drifting gently ....
Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2023 10:25 am Post subject: |
I do'nt know if the God you're referring to as Quote: | This God just wants us to like him, even love him, not to bend us to his will in absolute unquestioning servitude like some Evil dictator |
- is the same one that said this:
Quote: | Genesis; 20:
1 And God speaketh all these words, saying,
2 I am Jehovah thy God, who hath brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of a house of servants.
3 Thou hast no other Gods before Me.
4 Thou dost not make to thyself a graven image, or any likeness which is in the heavens above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth.
5 Thou dost not bow thyself to them, nor serve them: for I, Jehovah thy God, am a zealous God, charging iniquity of fathers on sons, on the third generation, and on the fourth, of those hating Me,
6 and doing kindness to thousands, of those loving Me and keeping My commands. |
Young's Literal Translation - from: https://www.htmlbible.com/youngs/B02C020.htm#V3
Verse 5 is my favourite.... : )
With respect to all who believe in the words of the Creator God, He would probably be diagnosed as 'bi-polar' in these enlightened times.  _________________ "Consciousness is a singular for which there is no plural." — Erwin Schrödinger
"It looks to every side and sees itself from itself." — The Sophia of Jesus Christ |
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webczar Is anybody out there?
Joined: 20 Oct 2023 Posts: 6 Location: Surrey
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2023 12:55 am Post subject: |
aged hippy wrote: | webczar,
With respect to all who believe in the words of the Creator God, He would probably be diagnosed as 'bi-polar' in these enlightened times.  |
Hehe, quite possibly. I still think that this God has good intentions.
This is the God who supposedly created us, gave us life and free will etc etc but we turn away from him and choose to love other things instead, so he gets a little frustrated
Let's compare the relationship with God and man to a marriage with God as the husband:
The husband catches his wife who he loves more than anything in the world cheating on him he gets angry, jealous, upset even slightly unstable. He might shout, he might not treat her well, he may even hit her.
The husband's initial reaction might be that he has to control his wife better and try to force her to behave how he wants her to behave and force her to love him. He might even leave her for a while while he considers the future.
Eventually though, the man loves his wife and comes back to her and offers her forgiveness for cheating on him which, if she accepts, will put things right...
But will it?
Maybe the Husband should also apologise to his wife for the way he acted? |
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helengabelli Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 28 Mar 2023 Posts: 316 Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2023 8:28 am Post subject: God to me, |
How interesting to read all the various ideas about God. Some believe, some don't. Some want to. Some won't. Like many of you, a personal search for the truth of God has lead me to this conclusion.
If there is a God, He has manufacturer directions for His creations. He knows what makes them perform the best and He has remedies for correcting mistakes. The human eyeball alone is one example of magnificence that no scientist has ever yet created in a laboratory. The whole body is full of wonderful systems that work and function without our help when they are healthy. We have a body that can heal itself. I can't prove to anyone that there is a God, but just because I can't see Him does not prove that He does not exist either.
I love this God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. And trying to find Him amidst all the false gods and teachings was not easy. It took a long time to finally realize there is only one God.
I choose to believe that He sent us a message on how we are to live.
Unfortunately, the people He sent Him to killed Him because they could not stand the thought of changing their ways. This Man who became one of us said that there is only One commandment. Treat others the way you want to be treated and if you really want to do God's will, all you need to do is ask for His Spirit and you will be guided and helped to accomplish this task.
Does this message need the help of religion? I think not. Does this commandment which is so simple that even a fool can understand it,
need human beings posing as messengers of God and passing baskets
for money after they talk to you? No. This message is so simple but so
life changing if followed that you really do not need agents of control to force you to do the "right" thing. This message is so liberating that when you fully embrace it as a lifestyle in your everyday life that beautiful things begin to happen to you. Of course, you cannot explain why.
You only know that there is a certain kind of love and feeling that exists in your thoughts and emotions that did not come from your own finite puny mind.
I have been ridiculed in these forums, called names, put down and criticized for my belief in love, which happens to be my God. That is okay. Only those who wish to find God can find Him and He just has to let those who have no interest or love in the truth enough to try to find it just bumble around in their arrogance, darkness of mind and blindness. True humility does not permit us to boast of things we know not. I know what love is. I guess that means that I know God is love.
Nice visiting and seeing all you old die hards still chewing on your rags about having the marvelous ability of not having to believe in God. Have fun. It is your choice to believe what you wish about God.
Still me and still believing because I have not found anything better yet.
Helen G. _________________ I AM WHO I AM AND THAT IS ALL WHO I AM |
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