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Will Religion Die In a Century? |
Yes, and there will be no religion in society |
22% |
[ 7 ] |
Yes, the main one's will but small one's remain |
3% |
[ 1 ] |
There wiil be a huge revelation that will alter everything |
29% |
[ 9 ] |
There will be even MORE religion than there is now |
19% |
[ 6 ] |
The main religions will still have the power |
25% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes : 31 |
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Mythblaster Can anybody hear me?
Joined: 03 Mar 2023 Posts: 183 Location: Surrey
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2023 2:50 am Post subject: Will Religion Die? |
With mankind becoming more scientific and technological, and society becoming more and more ambivalent toward religion, do you think the main religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, could die out almost entirely, in the following century?
Those who are entrenched in them right now will possibly never change their ways, but the generations now, and in the future, are gonna ask more and more questions to those that would enduce them into a religion. And when these questions cannot be answered, which they will not, there will be first a rebellion against these traditions, and then there will be an abandonement of them, I feel.
Already we see asian girls who fight not to be part of a loveless arranged marriage. We see Jewish men getting operations to replace the part of them that was violated without their say so - their foreskin.
In 100 years or less? What do you think? |
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seattlegal Oh look! It's a mirror!

Joined: 13 Feb 2024 Posts: 1644 Location: fishing in muddy waters
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2023 1:55 pm Post subject: |
Religion will not die out. (But then, my definition of religion is probably much broader than yours.) I noticed how you left out Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Taoism, all of which have more followers than Judaism. I would suspect that you have a problem with Abrahamic faiths. JMHO. _________________ The heart of the person before you is a mirror. See there your own form. |
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dox4242 Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 22 Apr 2023 Posts: 420 Location: Last forest of Endor
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2023 2:54 pm Post subject: |
No, I do not feel the Abrahamic faiths will die in 100, or 1000 years (maybe 10 or 20,000, though). If the religious leaders continue to try to shape and form the faith of religionists (insistence on certain traditions in the face of better, more sensical ideas), the numbers of followers will drop. But really, what do those numbers mean? How many included in those counts are only there half-heartedly, or empty-heartedly? Those will be the people who won't care if science negates Christianity. Although, if you think about it, how can science negate any religion? Certain myths and legends may eventually be dispelled, but even if Jesus Christ was proven, beyond the shadow of a hair turning on the head of doubt, to have never existed, why would that mean Christians would have to stop being Christians? Their numbers may drop, and new converts may become harder to come by, but a Christian's faith in Jesus is as strong as a scientist's faith in physics (neither of which is more provable than the other). _________________ Who? |
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Mythblaster Can anybody hear me?
Joined: 03 Mar 2023 Posts: 183 Location: Surrey
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2023 4:44 pm Post subject: |
seattlegal wrote: | Religion will not die out. (But then, my definition of religion is probably much broader than yours.) I noticed how you left out Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Taoism, all of which have more followers than Judaism. I would suspect that you have a problem with Abrahamic faiths. JMHO. |
Didn't leave out anyone, I meant all religions, but yes, I did refer primarily to the three main religions, as a yard stick. I would dispute strongly that there are less Jews than some of the religions you have mentioned, but either way I was referring to all religions. |
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Mythblaster Can anybody hear me?
Joined: 03 Mar 2023 Posts: 183 Location: Surrey
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2023 4:47 pm Post subject: |
dox4242 wrote: | Certain myths and legends may eventually be dispelled, but even if Jesus Christ was proven, beyond the shadow of a hair turning on the head of doubt, to have never existed, why would that mean Christians would have to stop being Christians? (neither of which is more provable than the other). |
Er, I would think that it WOULD matter just a little . After all, he is the MAN, as far as Christianity is concerned, so were it shown that he never walked this earth, then everything collapses for them like a deck of cards, unless they cling onto it like Santa, regardless. |
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seattlegal Oh look! It's a mirror!

Joined: 13 Feb 2024 Posts: 1644 Location: fishing in muddy waters
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2023 8:01 pm Post subject: |
Mythblaster wrote: | seattlegal wrote: | Religion will not die out. (But then, my definition of religion is probably much broader than yours.) I noticed how you left out Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Taoism, all of which have more followers than Judaism. I would suspect that you have a problem with Abrahamic faiths. JMHO. |
Didn't leave out anyone, I meant all religions, but yes, I did refer primarily to the three main religions, as a yard stick. I would dispute strongly that there are less Jews than some of the religions you have mentioned, but either way I was referring to all religions. |
According to my Cambridge Factfinder:
Faith--Estimated # of worldwide adherents, 1994
Taoism---149,336,000 _________________ The heart of the person before you is a mirror. See there your own form. |
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Mythblaster Can anybody hear me?
Joined: 03 Mar 2023 Posts: 183 Location: Surrey
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2023 9:48 pm Post subject: |
Well, whatever your source, I am speaking of all religions anyway. A century is a long time it seems, and if you look back at history, you will see that many old customs, practices, and even religions and races, no longer exist. Either they have been wiped out by the more dominant one's, or science has come along and proven to them that the sun is not a god, but a huge ball of fire and gas! That is only one example, but you take my meaning?
When this was shown, it was natural for people to feel a sense of detachment from the very things they held true, and eventually that tradition or custom or religion, it died out.
We live in an increasingly technological age. That is only going to increase. People no longer want to live in ignorance and obscurity, they want answers and explainations, and they want it in a straightforward way. Religion cannot provide that.
We live in an age where people are not afraid, and people do not take haven and hell seriously, an age where they are not guilty about being hedonistic.
When the last stone, from the last church, in the last city, collapses with those who should preach from them, we will have taken a huge step toward civilisation imo. |
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dox4242 Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 22 Apr 2023 Posts: 420 Location: Last forest of Endor
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2023 1:15 am Post subject: |
Quote: | We live in an increasingly technological age. That is only going to increase. People no longer want to live in ignorance and obscurity, they want answers and explainations, and they want it in a straightforward way. Religion cannot provide that. |
Why must religion and science be mutually exclusive? Can no religion tolerate--even promote--science? If God is defined as pure truth, beauty, and goodness, then the pursuit of scientific truth is but one narrow path to God (even if that particular path, by itself, doesn't lead all the way (unless it does...who knows? I certainly don't, I'm just guessing)). Sure, religion will continue to evolve, sometimes minor changes, sometimes major changes. Specific religions will come and go, but it probably takes centuries/generations of conquest and re-conquest to either exterminate and/or re-doctrinate all adherents. But I don't think religion itself will ever die; even if every modern religion fades away, there will be replacements (the question, then, is: who and what will replace them?).
People don't want answers, they want food. Once food is taken care of, people just want to be lazy and take care of theirselves. This is the natural order; to do otherwise is unnatural but admirable.
Re: the (non)existence of Jesus and the continuation of Christianity...if the soul became scientifically identifiable, and one could prove which lives one has lived (or not lived) in the past, would Buddhism and Hinduism fall apart? Would they wage wars of persecution on scientists? Or would they adapt and get on with what's important? _________________ Who? |
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seattlegal Oh look! It's a mirror!

Joined: 13 Feb 2024 Posts: 1644 Location: fishing in muddy waters
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2023 3:06 am Post subject: |
MB wrote: | When this was shown, it was natural for people to feel a sense of detachment from the very things they held true, and eventually that tradition or custom or religion, it died out.
Dox wrote: | Re: the (non)existence of Jesus and the continuation of Christianity...if the soul became scientifically identifiable, and one could prove which lives one has lived (or not lived) in the past, would Buddhism and Hinduism fall apart? Would they wage wars of persecution on scientists? Or would they adapt and get on with what's important? |
"Science" has it's own religion, it's own "theory" of explaining things that have not been scientifically proven. (But then again, my definition of religion seems to be much broader than yours, MB.)
Dox wrote: | Why must religion and science be mutually exclusive? Can no religion tolerate--even promote--science? If God is defined as pure truth, beauty, and goodness, then the pursuit of scientific truth is but one narrow path to God (even if that particular path, by itself, doesn't lead all the way (unless it does...who knows? I certainly don't, I'm just guessing)). |
I believe it is a matter of sorting through the true scientific observations and the speculation. You know there is a problem when speculation trumps observation. _________________ The heart of the person before you is a mirror. See there your own form. |
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Mythblaster Can anybody hear me?
Joined: 03 Mar 2023 Posts: 183 Location: Surrey
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2023 3:42 am Post subject: |
dox4242 wrote: | Quote: | We live in an increasingly technological age. That is only going to increase. People no longer want to live in ignorance and obscurity, they want answers and explainations, and they want it in a straightforward way. Religion cannot provide that. |
Why must religion and science be mutually exclusive? Can no religion tolerate--even promote--science? If God is defined as pure truth, beauty, and goodness, then the pursuit of scientific truth is but one narrow path to God (even if that particular path, by itself, doesn't lead all the way (unless it does...who knows? I certainly don't, I'm just guessing)). Sure, religion will continue to evolve, sometimes minor changes, sometimes major changes. Specific religions will come and go, but it probably takes centuries/generations of conquest and re-conquest to either exterminate and/or re-doctrinate all adherents. But I don't think religion itself will ever die; even if every modern religion fades away, there will be replacements (the question, then, is: who and what will replace them?).
People don't want answers, they want food. Once food is taken care of, people just want to be lazy and take care of theirselves. This is the natural order; to do otherwise is unnatural but admirable.
Re: the (non)existence of Jesus and the continuation of Christianity...if the soul became scientifically identifiable, and one could prove which lives one has lived (or not lived) in the past, would Buddhism and Hinduism fall apart? Would they wage wars of persecution on scientists? Or would they adapt and get on with what's important? |
I talk not of a sudden or enforced end to religion. Indeed, if someone should desire that they practice a certain religion, then as long as it does no harm to any other man, then he should go right ahead and do so.
However, what I am referring to is the advancement of man. Sure, science has made some mistakes, and there are fools within science, just as there are fools anywhere. However, progressive and modern science searches, perpetually, for new answers. The problem with religion is that it is stagnant. It has a code of conduct, a manifesto, and you are not permitted to deviate from that, and remain "faithful" to your religion. In other words, while religion is stuck in what it INSISTS it knows, at the expense of all other options and views, science offers us the chance to make actual discoveries, that transcend religion themselves.
As people advance, those in poor nations see the "miracles" that are conducted each and every day, in surgeries, and labs, they will realise that the answer lies not in false hope, but in science and technology.
And, over time, I say 100 years, this will grow, and more and more will turn their back on divisive religion and it's obscure messages.
Guess neither of us will be around to prove that to one another!
Will other religions evolve to replace them? Perhaps. History indicates that man has a compulsion to invent and revere. In time gone by it would be the sun or the moon. We thought that had "supernatural" powers. Now we know that this is nonsense. However, I am hopeful that it time, and with excellent science, we will be able to educate people properly, and therefore our penchant for inventing "truths" will be a thing of the past, thank goodness -  |
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chunkymonkey Can anybody hear me?

Joined: 16 Jan 2024 Posts: 141
Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2024 11:16 am Post subject: |
about the question.
i would have said 'no', but then the fact that five hundred years ago people of the current United Kingdom were being burnt alive for not being Catholic. They were Protestant people who had a choice whether to be Catholic or to burn, and those who died had enough faith in Protestantism to refuse.
However, nowadays despite there are Christians and Christianity is still the widest spread religion in the world, so many people have lost faith in God altogether, so many people are athiest or agnostic.
Why is it that turmoil kept religion alive those years ago, and today some people have turned their backs on religion altogether? |
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Rat_bytes But is reflection proof of life?

Joined: 22 May 2023 Posts: 3108 Location: Australia
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2024 2:44 am Post subject: |
It's because people are becoming more educated. The more educated someone is, the more they say things like "hang on a minute, that doesn't sound right." _________________ Las Reglas De la Rata.
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blondeno21 Why isn't anybody listening?

Joined: 26 Aug 2023 Posts: 718 Location: Wherever I May Roam
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2024 9:02 am Post subject: |
I forsee the Protestant church becoming what the Catholic church was in the Middle Ages--fighting holy wars against Muslims and forcing conversions. _________________ I don't believe anything, but I have many suspicions. |
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skywalker Is anybody out there?
Joined: 25 Jan 2024 Posts: 14 Location: Left of centre, right of me
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2024 8:12 pm Post subject: |
someone mentioned technology,
eventually we'll have most of this stuff figured out. and what then? i think when we've don'e all the building, killing and discovering we'll be left with one burining set of questions: 'who, what and why.'
the revalation wil be that we cannot ever know anything no matter how powerfull our tools are or how broad the minds. then we wil again need to fall back on faith. that is if it doesn't cuase some kind of holy war (again) and destroy us all.
que cera cera right? _________________ If you are 100% in control you are, obviously, not going fast enough. |
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Rat_bytes But is reflection proof of life?

Joined: 22 May 2023 Posts: 3108 Location: Australia
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2024 1:29 am Post subject: |
Skywalker wrote: | the revalation wil be that we cannot ever know anything no matter how powerfull our tools are or how broad the minds. |
I beg to differ. We can know everything about a particular subject, and sooner or later we will reach a stage where there really isn't much left to learn. I wonder what will happen to the human race then? _________________ Las Reglas De la Rata.
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