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Is there only One God? |
Yes |
36% |
[ 4 ] |
No |
18% |
[ 2 ] |
Do not care |
45% |
[ 5 ] |
Tell me more |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
Total Votes : 11 |
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Sthir Is anybody out there?
Joined: 31 Oct 2023 Posts: 93 Location: Dune
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2024 10:56 am Post subject: Re: kingdom in or kingdom out |
elena wrote: |
Of course, Israel is Zion. Nothing shall ever destroy Israel because it is God's promised land for His followers to live during the millenial rule
of Jesus Christ.
Helen |
Let's go back to 1948. How smart was it of the[/b] States [/b]to stick the "real" Jews back into an area where Islam was completely dominant. Do you think we as humanity would be facing the serious problems we're dealing with today as a result? Were you aware that Russia and China are taking steps closer to forming a Eurasian military confederacy to rival NATO? What do you think a possible military attack against Iran who vowed to wipe Israel off the map will lead to? Yep...
elena wrote: |
I read a lot of yappers in these forums who make great claims about
their religious leaders, religious ideas, and so forth. That is why I don't
trust people's interpretations of God. My god is love. It is indestructible,
faithful, true, sharper than any two edge sword and cuts a line between
the truth and lies.
Helen |
Your god is love? where did this idea of love originate from?
elena wrote: |
In one way I know nothing and in another way I have it all.
Helen |
You know nothing for certain is absolutely right.
elena wrote: |
Have a nice day! When the world gets in my face I say, "Have a nice
day." (Bon Jovi)
Helen |
Bon Jovi sucks.
elena wrote: |
I have a right to write my opinions just like you do in these forums.
Only thing is, my opinions make you angry but yours just make me
know you haven't struck the mother lode of truth yet or you would not
be defending those things you were taught but cannot prove. I have
proven my beliefs to myself. Can you do that just because you read
someone else's ideas about God? I think not. Knowing is believing.
Helen |
I only speak for myself, but does this seem like an angry expression to you? On the contrary, I'm delighted to have the opportunity of talking with someone who has hit the God lottery...you have proven your beliefs to yourself but I still think your not convinced, why else would you be asking questions? How many people on godulike think agree you have found the absolute truth?
( O ) _________________ You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person. |
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Possible Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 16 Dec 2023 Posts: 431
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2024 3:04 pm Post subject: |
israel was invented back then, they deliberately plonked a bunch of jews where there were least wanted. china and russia are on irans side.
lots of crap coming up...
now that old sharron guy is virtually carked it, even more crap. I wonder if they somehow got rid of him , just like they did with old yassar arafit.
Its all happening, get ready for it. Oz is already talkin of subscriction for our local lads. The excuse is the latest racis riots. I reckon the govt sent all those text msgs, to start the idiots off... then it all goes on from there.
I think we will hav a ware pretty soon. Bye bye everyone... maybe...
Gee , how cheerful am I ?  _________________ Life reflects who you are |
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elena Why isn't anybody listening?
Joined: 20 Jun 2023 Posts: 552
Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2024 11:01 pm Post subject: when is the end? |
Yes, possible, I have hit the lottery and have God. How do I know?
Because He answers my prayers and I know it is Him because I am the only one who asked for what I got. Sometimes it was impossible, or even a miracle. I have that kind of faith that can move a tree, but I have never
moved a tree. I prayed for a mountain to go away and the next thing I knew it was gone because some kind of road was going through. That
probably was a coincidence. I have seen people be released from jail.
I have seen drug addicts get another chance at freedom. I have seen
people come back from their death beds. I have had financial miracles.
I have been granted friendships with people I needed in my life. And a whole bunch of stuff that me and my Partner work out together through meditation and prayer.
If my prayer does not get answered, then it was not meant to be. If it
does, I thank the One who is all powerful and has told me I could ask anything in His Son's name and He would do it. Because I try not to
make selfish prayers I don't ask for the ridiculous. But when I have
a burning desire to achieve something or receive something I need
I ask God and just wait.
Of course, I am alone in my sphere of this world. My faith in God is even an amazement to me. The people around me just roll their eyes in
awe and cannot understand me. Why should they?
How did I find this truth? By surrendering my will to Love. Yes, a selfish love that puts my welfare first. Yes, I can think about the needs of others but I no longer have the need to feel sorry for people because no one felt sorry for me. People loved me when I was lost and down, but once I
discovered the only person I could change was me, a new freedom came into my life and I was able to focus on what was best for me and let
others find what they wanted from this life too. There is a saying "Live and let live." I believe that. I also believe, "Live and let evil." I don't fight evil. I just try to keep it out of my mind and heart and I usually know when evil is lurking because I am seeking to manipulate or
control some other person, place, or thing that is not mine to control.
Why do I self disclose about my faith and me? I am trying to meet others
who understand what I am saying so I don't have to feel like I am the
only one who sold out to God, lock, stock and barrel. I like to meet people who think about God like I do because it lets me know that I am on the right track. If someone else can come up with exactly the same truth as me and we don't know each other but do "know" each other,
it is further proof of the presence of God in my life and their life.
What I hunted for all my life, I found. And now that I found what I was
looking for, I am wondering if others have done the same thing. It is a
quest for serenity and peace and the knowledge that I am okay with myself, others and my God just the way I am and I do not have to
earn His love, have other's approval, and believe in any religion except
the Truth.
It took a long journey to finally surrender my ego and will.
I read other's posts because I wonder if they have found the pearl of
great price too, because it can be found by anyone who tries to find
it. Stopping in the quagmire of religion only complicates the journey.
God is not to be found in religion, churches, holy books, holy people or anything else except your own heart. If you cannot find Him there, you
have not found Him yet. All those other things can guide you to Him,
but ultimately you have to experience God for yourself before you can
believe in Him. And after you believe, do those things that are pleasing in His sight, which is us loving each other the way His Son taught us to do.
I get amused a lot when I read the forums. When people want to argue,
I know they have to be right and do not really want to be happy.
What you said about Russia and China is true. They are called Gog and Magog in the OT. All the Arabian powers will come against Israel and
their armies will be like smashed potatoes and God is going to do the
smashing because governments that rule with injustice and evil must
be destroyed before we can have peace on earth as promised. Now I
know why the US and Israel are united. The next war in Armageddon
will be the big one when God gets to do His thing with all the religions
that think killing people is doing service to Him.
Does God believe in killing? You bet. Read about Him in the OT.
He always destroyed the armies that went against Israel and He is going
to do it one more time. Why? Just to let the whole world know that His
Son is the next coming King and love will be written in every heart and
mind and those who won't cooperate will have to take the consequences.
Zechariah 14 and Joel 3.
Meantime I just enjoy my life, my honey, my kids, my friends, my two
chinese pugs and everything else God has blessed me with. If I can
have a life, anyone can because I sure shouldn't be sitting at a computer
sharing my thoughts and feelings with anyone when I consider the pit
I was dug out of. I have more happiness than most because I had
committed more wrongs than most people do in several lifetimes.
Forgiveness feels so goooooooood. And I hold nothing against anyone
because we are all the same. Just like the lazy man's guide to
enlightment says. From now on, I am a believer in the Lazy Man
because He talks just like my hero who was born in a barn.
Love, Helen _________________ I am who I am |
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elena Why isn't anybody listening?
Joined: 20 Jun 2023 Posts: 552
Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2024 11:06 pm Post subject: why ask questions? |
That was how Jesus got His truth out to others. He knew the answers,
but He liked to make people think.
I don't have to convince myself. I know who I am and I am who I am
because I AM is in me and I am in I AM. Yes, you are in touch with
someone who has been crucified with Christ like the Bible says we
are to do. I have died to my own will and seek only the will of the Father and He has me in the palm of His Hand right now.
It's all good. And we know that all things work together for the good to
them that love God and are called according to His purpose. That's me.
Take care. _________________ I am who I am |
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Regin_Vangyr Is anybody out there?
Joined: 27 Feb 2023 Posts: 20
Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:31 pm Post subject: Re: when is the end? |
Hi elena you remember me from the proselytizing poll? *grins*
elena wrote: |
I was able to focus on what was best for me and let
others find what they wanted from this life too. There is a saying "Live and let live." I believe that. |
You took the words right out of my mind!
elena wrote: |
What I hunted for all my life, I found. |
Same here
elena wrote: |
Stopping in the quagmire of religion only complicates the journey.
God is not to be found in religion, churches, holy books, holy people or anything else except your own heart. If you cannot find Him there, you
have not found Him yet. All those other things can guide you to Him,
but ultimately you have to experience God for yourself before you can
believe in Him. |
Again, I agree on both counts there
elena wrote: |
I get amused a lot when I read the forums. When people want to argue,
I know they have to be right and do not really want to be happy. |
Well we've had a bit of a debate - and in my mind, we're both right and we're both happy *laughs* what more can I ask for?
-Regin _________________ "If aware that another is wicked, say so: make no truce or treaty with foes!" -Havamal |
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Nksagar Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 11 Jun 2023 Posts: 495 Location: India
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elena Why isn't anybody listening?
Joined: 20 Jun 2023 Posts: 552
Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 2:00 pm Post subject: remember you? |
Well, not exactly, but I will look up your poll.
I had a good laugh when I read your remarks. Funny stuff and it made
me happy to know there is another person who is living for love.
No, we are not perfect and never will be. But the love that we embrace is and can bring us into all truth so we can fe free to love the way God wants us to.
Thanks again. We are members of the same family, world-wide!
Helen _________________ I am who I am |
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Nksagar Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 11 Jun 2023 Posts: 495 Location: India
Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 6:10 pm Post subject: Re: remember you? |
elena wrote: | Well, not exactly, but I will look up your poll.
I had a good laugh when I read your remarks. Funny stuff and it made
me happy to know there is another person who is living for love.
No, we are not perfect and never will be. But the love that we embrace is and can bring us into all truth so we can fe free to love the way God wants us to.
Thanks again. We are members of the same family, world-wide!
Helen |
Thanks Helen what funny side of story.
www.talkaboutreligion.com |
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elena Why isn't anybody listening?
Joined: 20 Jun 2023 Posts: 552
Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 2:28 pm Post subject: Please explain. |
Dear Nksagar,
I must tell you I met a very intelligent young man who was willing to
discuss his faith with me in exchange for hearing mine. He was Indian and his name was Nas(?) but used a nickname "Naz." I learned a lot
from him. We both agreed that love is the ultimate thought about God and as we become more consciously aware of it being in our lives, our
behavior will demonstrate that a power greater than ourselves causes
us to want to do God's will. He had a picture framing business in the
Galleria Mall at the Pittsburgh Mills shopping complex. I think it was
called "New Dimensions." He said it was a family business and that
he was of the Islam faith. It didn't matter to me because we were
on the same page when it came to understanding what is pleasing behavior to our God. I must also say that when he said he was from
India I did think about you because of his name being "Naz."
Anyhow, I stop and visit him sometimes when I am at the mall.
And thank God for godulike because I have learned that there are
many people of different faiths and I do not need to convince them
that I am right. By just accepting others' beliefs I am able to get
a dialogue going and we can enjoy our differences and similarities.
The one point we were in complete agreement about was that if there
is a God, He would not want us to harm and injure each other.
Take care, Nag.
Helen _________________ I am who I am |
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Nksagar Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 11 Jun 2023 Posts: 495 Location: India
Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 4:30 am Post subject: Re: Please explain. |
elena wrote: | Dear Nksagar,
I must tell you I met a very intelligent young man who was willing to
discuss his faith with me in exchange for hearing mine. He was Indian and his name was Nas(?) but used a nickname "Naz." I learned a lot
from him. We both agreed that love is the ultimate thought about God and as we become more consciously aware of it being in our lives, our
behavior will demonstrate that a power greater than ourselves causes
us to want to do God's will. He had a picture framing business in the
Galleria Mall at the Pittsburgh Mills shopping complex. I think it was
called "New Dimensions." He said it was a family business and that
he was of the Islam faith. It didn't matter to me because we were
on the same page when it came to understanding what is pleasing behavior to our God. I must also say that when he said he was from
India I did think about you because of his name being "Naz."
Anyhow, I stop and visit him sometimes when I am at the mall.
And thank God for godulike because I have learned that there are
many people of different faiths and I do not need to convince them
that I am right. By just accepting others' beliefs I am able to get
a dialogue going and we can enjoy our differences and similarities.
The one point we were in complete agreement about was that if there
is a God, He would not want us to harm and injure each other.
Take care, Nag.
Helen |
The storey you mentioned does not bring any funny part in it:
Your greatest assets is that you think you know lot about spiritualism but unless until you just hear to someone who scientifically explains the levels of spiriuality in man, we all keep of thinking that Love,peace,sacrifice these virtue is way to reach God,it is all absurdity,one who has to grow in spiriual dimensions has to grow in all dimensions of spirituality not ones which i have mentioned earlier,if you try to grow in those dimensions one thinks that he/she knows a lot and the rest fool as he has closed his further progress,to know at which level of spiriuality we are we have to learn the psycho-anaylsis of our mind,heart and beyond mind characteristics.
for this you have to sit with various professional to reach to your won conclusions.
In Indo philosophy as common saying is-
Knowing the unknown everything is known to us.
www.Nksagar.com |
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elena Why isn't anybody listening?
Joined: 20 Jun 2023 Posts: 552
Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 6:21 pm Post subject: how to know yourself |
I have heard it said, if you ever find yourself, you will find God at the same time. The reason I could not find myself was because I did not
accept or believe that "being" was who I was.
Trying to imitate others, trying to create my own self righteousness
thinking it was the righteousness of God, obeying religious rules and
standards of holiness, reading spiritual books, prayers, rituals, fastings,
doing good, and a whole lot of actions I thought would make me right
in th sight of God never brought me peace or serenity. They did serve
to supply me with a false sense of security that I was "right with God."
God is not interested in our ignorant and egocentric viewlpoints of how
to be spiritual. Being spiritual is a matter of faith and there are no
scientific equilpment that can measure God and how he relates to His
people and how His people relate to Him. This is not laboratory material
and a laboratory cannot hypothesize how God establishes a personal
relationship with His very own spiritual children. You cannot even go
there with man-made instruments to try and determine the unreality or the reality of faith in a God.
If you are waiting for sciience to explain God before you can believe,
you may die in disappointment. Why not just conclude that God is
science and whatever is true in the world of science is true for God
Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going? Why are we going? What is the purpose of existence? Is there some intelligent
design to the way this world was created or evolved and how did we
evolve to where we are now in the last 500 years? Can a scientist
produce a scientific answer to these questions? Why not? Because
science is only a study of how things are made and done, not the
creation of the things studied. Human beings cannot even explain
how they are made and why. They only know they are.
I believe we came with Manufacturer's Directions as with any well made
machine and there are ways for our machines to work at top notch
performance. Surely we did not evolve into creatures who cannot know
what feels best and works best as a human being, faith in God or not.
Actually, you have no clue whatsoever as to my purpose in life is and how I believe or not believe. You only have your perceptions of me and they could be out of focus because you do not know who I am or what I am
about and base your judgments on the words I put in these forums.
Real knowledge you cannot have because you simply don't know a
damn thing about me, just the way you don't know a damn thing
about God except what your religious leaders have taught you.
I told you the Indian business man story to see if you would go on some
sort of search to find out what I am really like, because he knows. It
was just a thought.
I really have no argument with you about anything. You seem pretty
well satisfied with your perceptions and beliefs. Why are you writing
to me? Are you trying to put me down so you can lift yourself up?
What is the deal here.
You are a very wealthy man with much riches. Do they make you happy?
Go in peace. Just forget about someone who thought you were a genuine
seeker after truth.
reality of God. _________________ I am who I am |
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elena Why isn't anybody listening?
Joined: 20 Jun 2023 Posts: 552
Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 6:34 pm Post subject: wrong again, Nag. |
The way to God is not love, peace, sacrifice and virtue as you stated.
You have just proven to me how ignorant you really are about
spiritual matters.
We cannot work our way into God's acceptance. He accepts us exactly
the way we are just as I accept others the way they are. I can only
change myself.
The one and only way to spiritual life is through acceptance based
on faith that God is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently
seek Him. Anyone who tries to be an intermediary through religion
or religious processes is deceived and the truth is not in them,.
There is only one mediator between God and man and He was
murdered. He is my hope and happiness in this life and the one I
shall receive at the end of my journey here. That is how I believe.
Does that hurt your feelings? I don't care what you believe. That
is your choice. No one can make you believe anything unless you
choose to believe what you hear instead of what you know on a real
live personal level of faith.
Our egos are thoughts in our brains that we have about ourselves
(me, mine, I) and they exist on a subconscious level. Our egos
will be dead when we die. On the other hand, our consciousness
comes from our Being and spirit and shall live forever. I have
made conscious contact with God and have evidence enough to
convince me that obeying the law to love others is His will and
I can do it because I have accepted His way,. truth, and life
in my mind and heart. Therefore, it is not I that liveth, but He that
lives within me. When I meet other believers we know we are One
with Him and each other. It is a spiritual presence of God when two
or more are gathered together in His name.
Helen _________________ I am who I am |
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Nksagar Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 11 Jun 2023 Posts: 495 Location: India
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 3:04 am Post subject: |
just go throught the Greatest virtues I have explained in Faith without fear,
the virtues which gives the us the essential when we practice.
www.Nksagar.com |
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elena Why isn't anybody listening?
Joined: 20 Jun 2023 Posts: 552
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 8:11 am Post subject: love is letting go of fear! |
Read the book, Love Is Letting Go of Fear, and you will become a new
creature inasmuch you will receive so much compelling insight into
yourself that you will be able to surrender your will completely to the
greatest force of power on this earth - the love of an Almighty and
Powerful God. We don't need more religion, we are drowning in untruths and lies propagated by people who have lied to us about God and what
He desires.
The author is Jampolsky. After you read that book, you get back to me
with your newfound faith that will set you free to do God's will better
than you have ever done in your whole life.
I have no doubt that your honesty and sincerity will guide you into all the truth you need to be a happy and productive child of God as you
understand Him. You are okay Nksagar. You are a wealthy man who
could use your blessings to preach the good news to the whole world by any means the media will provide to you, but you have to know the
truth first. Come on. Let's let this world know what they are missing out
on by not receiving and accepting His love as a guide for their behaviors.
Take care. I remember you from way back. That is how I know of your
wealth. I actually did visit your website and was very impressed with
your accomplishments. It was awesome and amazing to realize what
you have done with your life.
Take care,
Helen _________________ I am who I am |
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