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Rudest, most annoying proselytizers |
Jehovahs Witnesses |
29% |
[ 5 ] |
Mormons |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
Born ag'in Christians |
47% |
[ 8 ] |
Ammidhayas |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
Hare Krishnas |
23% |
[ 4 ] |
Total Votes : 17 |
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Regin_Vangyr Is anybody out there?
Joined: 27 Feb 2023 Posts: 20
Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:18 pm Post subject: |
wait - elena: was your post after Fujiwara no Sai's post concerned with what I said, or with what Fujiwara no Sai said? *laughs* either way, I've enjoyed our conversation  _________________ "If aware that another is wicked, say so: make no truce or treaty with foes!" -Havamal |
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elena Why isn't anybody listening?
Joined: 20 Jun 2023 Posts: 552
Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 5:37 am Post subject: no wrong way to beleve in God. |
When I first heard a man say that in his speech, there is no wrong way
to believe in God, I sort of disagreed because I felt that many think they know God and His will but do opposite of His manufacturer's directions.
If one truly believes in a God, is he/she not expressing faith in a higher
form of existence? Will that faith not eventually lead a person to the
truth about God and guide them out of all untruth? Many times I thought
I knew it all only to find out I had to seriously question my own beliefs.
When I doubted my beliefs in God because it seemed hypocritical to
follow teachings that were created by other humans from their own
interpretations of truth, I found it necessary to change my mind. My
open mindedness kept leading me further and furtherf away from
religion and into diligent study.
First, I had to find out the "Bible" is not the word of God and God is the
Word of God and His Son brought it to us and paid for it with His own
blood (life).
When I fell in love with the God idea, I really did not know what it was
I was loving because God is invisible and must be seen spiritually and
in truth. The closest thing to me was the Christian religion and the
Jesus character really appealed to the child in me. A man who could
heal cripples, make blind people see, feed thousands with a little bit
of food, calm storms, calm winds, raise the dead, cast out demons,
make water into wine, and also asked me to love Him and His message.
When I was told I had to be "saved", I bit hard on the bait. I knelt at
an altar and gave my life to God after praying a sinner's prayer. Then
I committed intellectual suicide and joined a group of extreme religious
people who began to dictate to me how I should live and be pleasing
in His sight. The end product was twelve years of delusion and deception
that took me out of reality and I am thankful the Thorazine brought me
back. Ever since that experience, I have been awful wary of listening
to religious people spouting off God's rules according to them, telling me
I had to conform or ship out. I shipped out all right, right out of my mind.
This is not a black and white world as they teach.
The story of my life and how I came to believe in God and then came to believe that religion was just man's ideas about God, and then discovered
that I am a temple of the Lord took a long painful process which now is
not so painful because I am open minded and willing to abandon any
teaching that is not truth.
So now the only truth I truly believe in is love. And this teaching I
found in the Bible. Also in the Torah. So you might say I have accepted
those parts of the Bible that make some kind of sense, for instance,
that love does not harm or injure or anyone.
You can preach Jesus till you are blue in the face and no one may even
understand how to apply what is being said because the Bible is a tool
of deception used by Satan to get people to think they are attached to
God for believing in it. And, of course, the ego wallows in pride when it
thinks that the self belongs to God. Holy Me!
Yes, I accept Jesus as the only true Prophet because He said if I believe
in Him and keep His command to love one another that I will never die.
I know of no other prophet that has an offer like that. What if I am wrong?
What if I am? Living a life of love, compassion, kindness, etc. is good
for now even if there is no so-called reward. It is just a good way to
live. I will say this: if there is a better life than this to be had, I want
it with all my heart and I will do everything to gain eternal life because
I do not want to come to be a nothing.
As far as my movie idea, the only purpose would be to shed light on the fact that Jesus was not who the Christians say He was. I thought that
it might be good to have lots of mystery in the movie as to who the
main actor really was and sort of let it be figured out by those who
were spiritual and the rest of the people could go away and not even
understand what happened. Jesus spoke in parables because He only
wanted those who were interested to understand what He was saying.
Evil enemies will always twist the words of those they fear.
Is this some kind of wild dream I have? Probably. But I am allowed to
dream and I have dreamt of breaking Jesus into a million pieces and
sharing Him with the world so others could know that God is love and
that is what this life is supposed to be all about. The truth has come to
me in bits and pieces as I was ready to receive it. I had to uneducate
myself first.
One area was about the original sin thing and what a sin is. That was
an extremely interesting journey. Anyhow, I have no more curiousity
because I tried it all and was never satisfied. I know that life without
love is hell. Sex without love is nothing. Being religious is nothing.
Being rich in material goods is nothing. Sacrificing is nothing.
Talents are nothing. Love is the only reality and I have found the
fountain of the rivers of life inside of me. I walk with God every single
day of my life and I fear nothing because He has me in the palm of
His hand and His eye is always on me because He loves me more than
any human father could. I love my kids and I know He has a greater
capacity to love me even more than any human ever could.
What is a situationist? If it means I do whatever love demands no matter
what the so-called rules are, that is me. When Jesus annulled the Ten
Commandments to institute the Golden Rule, that is exactly what He did.
I can do anything I want as long as I can justify it in the eyes of a love
that does not wish to injure or harm myself or others.
People who try to legalize their relationship with God are missing out
on the guidance of the Holy Spirit and are being guided by their own
minds deceiving themselves into their own self righteousness. The
righteousness of God is based on unconditional love. Self righteousness
only promotes pride and arrogance and a feeling of being superior
because of your own accomplishments of the flesh.
I am just here on earth wondering what I can do to spread the Word so
people can at least have a choice to accept or reject the Words of
Christ which I have been told to take to the ends of the world. What
better way than a book or movie? The story of my own life is so
rich and thrilling in adventure and discovery, pain and suffering,
being lost and then found, being ill and being healed, being poor
and leaving poverty, suffering and non-suffering and a whole bunch
of wonderful stuff that if anyone could read and believe would have
to conclude that the God I believe in has to be real because I should
have been dead a long time ago for all the foolish and hurtful things I
did in His name.
So I guess I will keep on writing my story and hope some day it will
come together in a form that I can share with others. Anyone wondering how I could go through what I did in this life and live
to write and talk about it and still have a faith in God that sustains
me every day and gives me something to live for might profit from
my experience, strength and hope like I did from the stories of faith
I heard from others.
It is indeed a great life (if you don't weaken). I get excited thinking of
ways to make it very clear and plain the the Jesus of the Christians
is a fictional character and the One who visited us two thousand years ago had a message that never got off the ground, but still has the power to change the spiritual climate of this whole world if it were preached
and known.
I don't care what you call your Gods or goddesses. You believe in the
kind of love that God desires for all of us and therefore I cannot teach
you anything because it is not necessary. You searched, you found.
You asked, you received. You knocked, the door opened. So there
you are. Your love will guide you in how best to serve your Master who is our servant. Sort of nice, huh?  _________________ I am who I am |
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dogfish Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 10 Jan 2024 Posts: 457 Location: Bournemouth, England.
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 11:41 am Post subject: |
Can you ever write a short reply, i always get bored on about the second sentance, skim thru the rest pretty much, which i don't wanna do, so can you write shorter posts. _________________ Dogfish
all i say is true. |
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Fujiwara no Sai Can anybody hear me?
Joined: 07 Feb 2024 Posts: 103 Location: That Go board in the corner
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:16 pm Post subject: |
dogfish wrote: | Can you ever write a short reply, i always get bored on about the second sentance, skim thru the rest pretty much, which i don't wanna do, so can you write shorter posts. |
To be honest, the weird carriage breaks in elena's posts make them look like bad copy and paste jobs instead of the person's own words. This may not be the case, but that's what it looks like to me. |
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elena Why isn't anybody listening?
Joined: 20 Jun 2023 Posts: 552
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 3:47 am Post subject: for your information |
I hate to tell you this, I don't know how to copy and paste. So don't read
what I have to say. There are more people that read my words than you
can even imagine.
But then you are not interested anyhow, so do not look at how many
times this happens.
It is okay. I should know better than to try to reason with those who
have no ability to reason except with their own selves. Some things
can only be perceived through our conscious level of being. Egos
are made up of thoughts and thoughts are attached to the perishable.
To get real understanding, you must go beyond your subconscious
self to "see" something besides what the ego has planted in your mind.
Some day even our minds will be gone when our brains become dead.
That is why it might be good to have a spirit hard drive installed
in case it is needed in the future for perhaps some type of use that
may include intelligence. _________________ I am who I am |
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dogfish Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 10 Jan 2024 Posts: 457 Location: Bournemouth, England.
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:23 am Post subject: Re: for your information |
elena wrote: | I hate to tell you this, I don't know how to copy and paste. So don't read
what I have to say. There are more people that read my words than you
can even imagine.
But then you are not interested anyhow, so do not look at how many
times this happens.
It is okay. I should know better than to try to reason with those who
have no ability to reason except with their own selves. Some things
can only be perceived through our conscious level of being. Egos
are made up of thoughts and thoughts are attached to the perishable.
To get real understanding, you must go beyond your subconscious
self to "see" something besides what the ego has planted in your mind.
Some day even our minds will be gone when our brains become dead.
That is why it might be good to have a spirit hard drive installed
in case it is needed in the future for perhaps some type of use that
may include intelligence. |
Yeah right on, if that makes sense at all, then fair play, where do you buy a spirit hard drive? PCWorld didn't have any.
Anyways i am only saying that you do tend to talk a lot without actually saying anything in your posts, i ask you a question, you ramble on for 500 words without actually saying anything. _________________ Dogfish
all i say is true. |
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Fujiwara no Sai Can anybody hear me?
Joined: 07 Feb 2024 Posts: 103 Location: That Go board in the corner
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:57 pm Post subject: Re: for your information |
elena wrote: | I should know better than to try to reason with those who
have no ability to reason except with their own selves. |
It would be easier to reason with you if your posts made any fucking sense. To be honest, I have no idea what you're talking about half the time. You ramble on nonsensical without actually saying much.
I'm not even going to bother with the rest. It makes absolutely no sense. |
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elena Why isn't anybody listening?
Joined: 20 Jun 2023 Posts: 552
Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 2:10 pm Post subject: rambling nonsense of elena |
The reason people cannot understand truth when they read it is because
they are not really interested in finding it.
My stuff is real easy to read and understand and is backed up with
many years of study and openmindedness.
I think sometimes there are many who are afraid of the truth, so they
just destroy the messenger with prejudice and hate. Truth haters
get very irritated at those who claim to know the truth. Truth seekers
welcome any and all criticisms and know you cannot destroy truth
But because you guys criticize me so bad about being lengthy, I am
going to agree and try to get to the point. Perhaps I am so wordy
because I want to make it easy to understand me. Here I am boring
the hell out of you and you are not interested in what I have to say
anyhow. So be it. Love ya anyhow! Maybe God is trying to tell me
something through you all. I learned not to preach, just share. _________________ I am who I am |
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Regin_Vangyr Is anybody out there?
Joined: 27 Feb 2023 Posts: 20
Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 10:03 am Post subject: Re: rambling nonsense of elena |
elena wrote: | The reason people cannot understand truth when they read it is because
they are not really interested in finding it. |
No - the reason they can't understand your truth is because it's hidden behind masses upon masses of dross
elena wrote: |
My stuff is real easy to read and understand and is backed up with
many years of study and openmindedness. |
Really? From what I've read, you begin to have an open mind, then you write an essay on God, Jesus and blatantly exclude all other religions. You add that the Golden Rule is found in all religions only as a throwaway comment, which makes the comments even more Judaeo-Christian in nature. As for study...study into Christianity and Judaism, maybe - I have yet to se your expertise in any other area.
elena wrote: |
I think sometimes there are many who are afraid of the truth, so they
just destroy the messenger with prejudice and hate. Truth haters
get very irritated at those who claim to know the truth. Truth seekers
welcome any and all criticisms and know you cannot destroy truth
anyhow. |
No one on here is afraid of your truth - they just purely can't be bothered to sift through the dross to find the gold.
People who criticise you because you claim you know the truth aren't 'truth haters', they're just not followers of Jesus, or aren't monotheist - that's simple enough to understand, isn't it?
You're right, you can't destroy truth...unless it's only a truth in your own mind.
elena wrote: |
But because you guys criticize me so bad about being lengthy, I am
going to agree and try to get to the point. Perhaps I am so wordy
because I want to make it easy to understand me. Here I am boring
the hell out of you and you are not interested in what I have to say
anyhow. So be it. Love ya anyhow! Maybe God is trying to tell me
something through you all. I learned not to preach, just share. |
Ah, now that sounds like a profitable proposition! _________________ "If aware that another is wicked, say so: make no truce or treaty with foes!" -Havamal |
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Rat_bytes But is reflection proof of life?

Joined: 22 May 2023 Posts: 3108 Location: Australia
Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 7:08 am Post subject: |
Helen wrote: | There are more people that read my words than you
can even imagine. |
Who's your publisher?  _________________ Las Reglas De la Rata.
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elena Why isn't anybody listening?
Joined: 20 Jun 2023 Posts: 552
Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 3:56 pm Post subject: I am who I am and you would not believe it anyhow! |
I am out here like a voice crying in the wilderness for someone or
anyone to listen to me.
If I would describe myself how I feel about myself, I would say
that I am a replica of Jesus but a female in the 2lst. Century.
I have died with Him on a cross by sacrificing to Him my whole body
soul, and spirit, but not by dying. I am a living sacrifice to tell the
world His message: Love your neighbor as yourself. Do unto others
as you would have others do unto you. Treat others the way you
want to be treated.
When I meditate into the conscious level of who I am, I can safely
say I am Jesus because I have eaten His flesh and drank His blood
through a spiritual crucifixion of my self-will and have become ready
to die if necessary for my belief in Him.
Because He already died as the last sacrificial lamb for the sins of the
world as arranged by God through the Jews, I am here to live. So
I give up my will every day to do what I believe love (God) would have
me do because I believe the words of His Son.
Living and having a relationship with God is a real experience within
me. Religion is an outward experience.
There are few people who love God so much that they are willing to die
for their faith in Him and His Words. It is a process and you must begin a journey of asking, seeking, and knocking until you finally receive, find
and have the doors of your understanding open to find out who you
really are and that you have a Divine purpose for living on this earth
where you are, who you are, what you are doing, where you are going,
and why.
You must find it yourself and when you do, you will find me, Jesus,
God and yourself at the same time.
Am I being blasphemous, arrogant, proud, boastful? No. I am who I am.
And a relationship with God is based on spirit and truth. We must seek
and find the truth, ask for God's Spirit to come into us, and then tell
others what we have found.
When you truly find God, you will find yourself. When you find yourself,
there is nothing else to hunt for except for ways to get rid of all
your character defects and shortcomings for when you did not know
who you were! Now, that is so easy an idiot could grasp it.
So you become "jesus" in the human form of you and love everyone the
way He loved Himself. Your life will be different than His because you
have not been called to fill His shoes. You have been called to fill your
Jesus said that anyone who tries to get to His Kingdom any other way
will not be accepted as part of His Kingdom. He said He was the door,
the bread, the way, truth and way. What is the way? LOVE
The reason I am not accepted and believed is because religion has
fucked up this world so bad with it false prophets, false teachers,
false theories, false ideas about God, false witnesses, false messages,
false holy books, false preachers, false priests, false Popes who do not
represent God and the Truth, etc. etc. etc. etc.
I bring you the message that can save you. If you love yourself,
you will not perish or die. People who do not love themselves have
low self-esteem, lack of confidence, low self-worth and basically
hate themselves. That is why drugs and alcohol, sex, money, and
power are used to try to fill up their empty lives.
This relationship is so personal that it involves only your faith and God
and you. Religion may help you find a God to believe in and when you
find the God you were looking for inside of you not outside of you, you
will then have done all you could possibly do to be a righteous person
in your own eyes and God's.
My messages are for people who like God. If you don't like God, then
don't pay attention to what you call my religious bullshit.
I have helped too many people to name and they are out there loving
others the way He did and I do.
So there. Is that so bad? I am only searching for friends, not people
to convert to my way of religion. I have none.
I have been on national TV about three times speaking on how
religion can be an addiction to take people away from reality by
creating a mind altering experience in their thoughts. I have been
published in a local newspaper for when I went on the Sally Jessy
Raphael talkshow in October of l987 on Black Monday when the
stock market crashed in the US. I speak at meetings and conferences
and tell my life story in hopes that others can use my experience
strength and hope to maybe help themselves out of their despair
and discouragement with their own life problems.
I am actually a nobody on this earth but I feel like I am a Child of the
King of this universe. I love everybody no matter how sick they are,
I have prayed and seen healings take place, I have all my needs met
and am not employed, I have a household of children who love me
and a man I cannot describe for the way he loves me, and a whole
bunch of miracles taking place all the time. I am not special. I just
believe that when Jesus said, You can ask anything of my Father and
He will give it to you as long as you ask in my Name. (John 14, 15)
Maybe the Bible is not true. I only know because I believe His words,
I receive what He promised. That is good enough for me.
Does your God pay attention to your prayers? Why not?
I only need one person on Godulike to meet me for real and then it
could be known that there is another Jesus on earth right now in
human form. The real One is coming back soon because He has to
save this earth from total self-destruction by the people who think
when they are killing someone they are doing God's service.
So don't read my heart's message Mr. Rat Byte. Because I took time
to reply to you, perhaps there is someone who will read and light
up their lives too!
Jesus' own disciples didn't believe Him, why should I expect anyone to
believe me? the only Book that has His story is the Holy Bible and it may be full of untruths too because it was the Roman Catholics
who destroyed the writings about Him all down through the centuries.
I believe Mary Magdalene was Jesus' girlfriend because he was a
man and probably liked women like any other normal human being.
So kill me. I am ready. I am just glad that my death won't make any
difference to me because I am ready to go. My life story is on the
pages of Godulike. I am writing a book called "God, As I Imagine."
Maybe then I will be able to convince others that Jesus was real
and had only one message and got murdered for delivering it and
the people who killed Him have not to this day apologized for what
they did in violation of their own Ten Commandments!
Good and evil do co-exist. Jesus has deprived evil of its power to hurt
us when we believe because He takes evil things and makes them work
to our good when we let Him!
Believe because I am real and speak the truth that cannot be
destroyed - love is the only reality because it has no beginning or end.
Let's spar about this! I like people who get agitated and think! _________________ I am who I am |
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Rat_bytes But is reflection proof of life?

Joined: 22 May 2023 Posts: 3108 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 2:32 am Post subject: |
Helen wrote: | If I would describe myself how I feel about myself, I would say
that I am a replica of Jesus but a female in the 2lst. Century. |
1 Timothy 2:12But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Seems to me that you should be silent, Helen. This is according to your own holy book.
Quote: | Because He already died as the last sacrificial lamb for the sins of the
world as arranged by God through the Jews |
Are you aware that this means that your god is pleased by blood sacrifices, Helen? The only reason Jesus had to die as prescribed in the bible is because your god is bloodthirsty and apparently likes the smell of burning animal flesh. And besides, if god hadn't created hell in the first place, Jesus wouldn't have had to die because there'd be nothing to save people from.
Don't you think that a loving god would have invented a better way of running things instead of creating a big fiery lake to put unbelievers in? Not to mention the just plain weird fascination he seems to have with blood.
Quote: | Am I being blasphemous, arrogant, proud, boastful? No. I am who I am.
And a relationship with God is based on spirit and truth. We must seek
and find the truth, ask for God's Spirit to come into us, and then tell
others what we have found. |
Define "truth"?
Quote: | The reason I am not accepted and believed is because religion has
fucked up this world so bad with it false prophets, false teachers,
false theories, false ideas about God, false witnesses, false messages,
false holy books, false preachers, false priests, false Popes who do not
represent God and the Truth, etc. etc. etc. etc. |
No, the reason you're not believed is because you're constantly contradicting yourself. Not to mention when your posts are criticised, instead of addressing the reservations people have, you quickly become abusive and venomous, adopting a condescending holier-than-thou attitude.
Quote: | Does your God pay attention to your prayers? Why not? |
What god?
Quote: | So kill me. I am ready. I am just glad that my death won't make any
difference to me because I am ready to go. |
Uhhhh, sorry to piss on your parade Helen, but nobody hates you and nobody wants to kill you. I don't think you're ever gonna get to be a martyr, no matter how much you rant about your "Real Jesus". Sorry again.
Quote: | Let's spar about this! I like people who get agitated and think! |
No you don't. Whenever people question you, you either spit poison in their faces or go into "everyone hates me" mode. _________________ Las Reglas De la Rata.
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dogfish Does anyone believe me?
Joined: 10 Jan 2024 Posts: 457 Location: Bournemouth, England.
Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 8:34 am Post subject: |
No one hates you, i certainly don't hate you, i may disagree with a lot of what you say, but that doesn't mean i hate you at all, why would i.
You seem to have a few issues with yourself, sometimes when i read your posts i wonder where all the anger comes from, almost as if you take other peoples posts as being personal, and forgetting that this is a website, which is about as impersonal as you can get. I would not take any offence from anything that anyone says on here.
What i will say is that, i am quite willing to accept that, although i think your wrong about your god, that there is a chance you may be correct. Do you ever think you may be wrong and others on this web site may be correct, cus if not then you really are here just to preach, not to learn and debate. _________________ Dogfish
all i say is true. |
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lizard_queen7 Is anybody out there?
Joined: 13 Jun 2023 Posts: 43 Location: Melbourne,Australia
Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 5:03 pm Post subject: |
All i can say here is she wants to be killed and hated..That way her belief in being "replica of jesus" would grow stronger.And she is getting angry because noone is hating her..It is funny..
We are not religious therefore WE DON'T HATE...!
Love is in the air ...oooo hoohh lalallalalla  _________________ On a large enough time line, the survival rate for everyone will drop to zero. |
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